Kippah (Deutschland/Germany, 2019, Lukas Nathrath) / Кипа (Германия, 2019, Лукас Натрат). Fiction / игровой. 24:42. 16+
Based on actual events, this film tells the story of 15-year-old Oskar who newly visits a multi-cultural high school. He feels comfortable in his class community and has found a best friend in his seatmate Eren. However, when Oskar, without thinking, reveals in an ethics lesson that he is Jewish, the atmosphere changes. More and more, he is excluded, bullied and even physically attacked by some of his classmates. Eren, too, has to give in to the peer pressure and is forced to betray his friend.
Ashamed, Oskar keeps the attacks secret at home. When his parents finally learn about the bullying, they try to talk to the school’s headmaster — however, their pleas are ignored and their worries dismissed. Thus, Oskar is faced with the question: Is he going to further endure the humiliations — or can he find a way to hold his own and to stand by his identity?
Festival awards:
Cargo (Germany, 2019, Christina Tournatzés) / Der Transport (Deutschland, 2019, Christina – Tournatzés) / Груз (Германия, 2019, Кристина Торнатчес). Fiction / игровой. 15:00. 16+
A gang of smugglers lets 71 people die in transit. As a smuggler convoy transports 71 people through Hungary, the people packed in the truck start screaming to open the doors. Despite their loud screams the driver follows his boss’s order to Keep driving. The true story happened in 2015.
Festival awards:
(Russia, 2019, Elizaveta Khlomova) / (Россия, 2019, Елизавета Хломова). Animation / Анимационный. 5:30. 0+
Early in the morning two girls wake up and start a game. Their childhood dreams allow them to create their own world out of nothing, where you can fly lightly, rising higher and higher, and even you can meet someone you would most like to meet
(Russia, Natalya Tetenkina, 2019) / (Россия, Наталья Тётeнькина, 2019). Documentary / Документальный. 20:41. 18+
As be not thus as all, when “oddity” has become generally accepted? How not to get lost in the abundance of opportunities? These are the issues facing today’s youth. In search of answers to them, we will dive into the lives of “Millennials” and try to create an overall picture of their views. Three bright representatives of modern youth share their views on politics, society, self-perception and life. An interview with them will reveal a collective portrait of the younger generation, their goals, fears, desires and hopes.
(Deutschland/Germany, 2019, Paul Uhlig) / (Германия, 2019, Пауль Улиг). Fiction / игровой. 15:00. 18+
Alone was fine, lonely is new. Luca has a hard time letting go of a past relationship, but there is a shimmer of golden light in the darkness.
(Russia, Dmitry Fadeiev, 2019) / (Россия, Дмитрий Фадеев, 2019). Fiction / Игровой. 21:00. 12+
Careless and reckless, she has the only chance to prove that she can look after another person, before social services remove her son. To her dismay, this person is completely paralyzed, but can move objects around.
(Russia, Alexander Solovyov, 2019) / (Россия, Александр Соловьев, 2019). Fiction / Игровой. 5:17. 12+
Praskovya continues working in the Bank despite hunger in the freezing siege of Leningrad. Her husband went to war. The only thing he left is the ink pot. This gift is the onlyitem which makes Praskovya feel warm. In the most critical moment when no hopes or energy is left only the ink pot acts as a twist of destiny.
(Deutschland / Germany, 2019, Falk Schuster, Max Mönch, Alexander Lahl) / (Германия, Фальк Шустер, Макс Монх, Александр Лаль, 2019). Documentary, animation / Документальный, анимационный. 6:32. 16+
They had a normal father-daughter relation. One day she told him to set off for a wedding party in Denmark. But that was a lie. A few months later she started her new life. As the wife of a djihadist living in Syria.
Unfortunately not available for public screening
(Russia, Anastasia Novikova, 2019) / (Россия, 2019, Анастасия Новикова). Documentary / Документальный . 11:12. 12+
At the aquarium among the laugh and smiles of cheerful people lost young man called Danya. He is autostic, he is exluded from the society, he is alone in a big crowd, which just doesn’t want to notice his existence. But since early morning untile late at night Danya is patiently waiting for her, Juliette, the only one thanks to who he is not lonely anymore. In the film “The waiting” we together with Danya will get through a day in his rough life to see, that even in the ocean of indifference person can’t lose the sense which is in a depths of his soul – love.
(Russia, Irina Kireeva, 2019) / (Россия, 2019, Ирина Киреева). Fiction / Игровой. 15:00. 16+
Tragicomedy about a talented, but not very lucky musician, Nikolay, who desperately fights for a place in the famous orchestra, and defends the right to win by a very complicated deal with a conscience.
march, 2025
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Авторы идеи: Анне-Катрин Топп, Инесса Тропина. © Проект «Вкратце!» | Authors of the idea: Anne-Kathrin Topp, Inessa Tropina. © Vkratze! Project
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