18 декабря, 11:00.
Kuumba Umbo / Рождение формы (Belgium, USA, Ekaterina Ogorodnikova / Бельгия, США, Екатерина Огородникова). Анимация / animation. 2022. 06:38.
Animation, Russia, 2022
Runtime: 06:38
Age restrictions: 6+
Director: Ekaterina Ogorodnikova
Writer: Ekaterina Ogorodnikova
Art director: Ekaterina Ogorodnikova
Sound/Musiс: Timothy Hosman
Producer: Ekaterina Ogorodnikova
The birth of form is the birth of the world. From our early childhood to our last breath, we as humans learn about the world around us and try to find our place in it. One African mask can reveal a whole spectrum of human culture, its origins and the transformation that takes place to produce the art that decorates the museums of the world.
Чужой хлеб / Not My Bread (Россия, Андрей Бахурин / Russia, Andrey Bakhurin). Анимация / animation. 2022. 07:11.
Animation, Russia, 2022
Runtime: 07:11
Age restrictions: 18+
Director: Andrey Bakhurin
Writer: Vadim Mikhailov, Andrey Bakhurin
Art director: Andrey Bakhurin
Sound/Musiс: Andrey Bakhurin, Andrey Pryadchenko
Producer: Larisa Guchkovskaya
A Girl is carrying a piece of bread to her starving friend through the devastated city. The Death follows her.
Ой, чие ж то жито / Oh, Whose Is the Rye? (Россия, Анна Швейгольц / Russia, Anna Schweigolz). Анимация / animation. 2022. 06:51.
Oh, Whose Is the Rye?
Animation, Russia, 2022
Runtime: 06:51
Age restrictions: 16+
Director: Anna Schweigolz
Writer: Anna Schweigolz
Art director: Anna Schweigolz
Sound/Musiс: Alexander Chirkov, Anastasia Mukhametzyanova
Producer: Nikolai Makovsky
The events of the film take place two hundred years ago, when flowers were taller than houses and witches turned their daughters-in-law into poplars. The Cossack has gone to war not knowing that, when he returns, nothing will be the same.
Piece of Solitude / Частица одиночества (Islamic Republic of Iran, Elaheh Ghomeish / Иран, Элахех Гомеиш). Анимация / animation. 2022. 09:10.
Piece of Solitude
Animation, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2022
Runtime: 09:10
Age restrictions: 12+
Director: Elaheh Ghomeishi
Writer: Elaheh Ghomeishi
Art director:Mohammad Hadi Ghomeishi
Sound/Musiс: Saeed Jafarnezhad
Producer: Elaheh Ghomeishi
A lonely amnesic man lives in his paternal home. he has a habit of filling empty books with his beloved tokens of the past. during an event he remembers his childhood memories and a harmonica he lost. So, he starts to search for his lost harmonica.
Txotxongiloa / The Puppet / Марионетка (Spain, Sonia Estévez / Испания, Соня Эстевез). Анимация / animation. 2022. 10:05.
The Puppet
Animation, Spain 2022
Runtime: 10:05
Age restrictions: 16+
Director: Sonia Estévez
Writer: Javier Fernández Landaluce/Sonia Estévez
Sound/Musiс: Sonia Estévez
Producer: Sonia Estévez
A female puppet appears locked in a room, prostrate on the floor and immobile. After several experiences, ropes are attached to her body and her movements begin to be more and more fluid. Each of the strings is associated with a scene related to an aspect of women’s social problems, such as the body, equality or gender
À coeur perdu / Home of the heart / Дом там, где сердце (France Sarah Saidan, Франция, Сара Саидан). Анимация / animation. 2022. 14:46
Home of the heart
Animation, France, 2022
Runtime: 14:46
Age restrictions: 16+
Director: Sarah Saidan
Writer: Sarah Saidan, Simon Serna
Art director: Franceska Marinelli
Sound/Musiс: Pierre Oberkampf
Producer: Jerome Barthelemy, Camille Condemi, Daniel Sauvage
Omid is an Iranian immigrant who has come to France with his family. One evening, in the street, he is attacked and stabbed in the heart. But Omid gets up again! At the hospital, the doctors’ diagnosis is formal: he has no heart. Would it have stayed in Iran?
Pasajero / Passenger / Пассажир (Argentina, Juan Pablo Zaramella / Аргентина, Хуан Пабло Зарамелла). Анимация / animation. 2022. 10:00.
Animation, Argentina, 2022
Runtime: 10:00
Age restrictions: 12+
Director: Juan Pablo Zaramella
Writer: Juan Pablo Zaramella
Art director: Juan Pablo Zaramella
Sound/Musiс: Cecilia Castro, Hernán Kerlleñevich
Producer: Sol Rulloni
A journey through the conflictive relationship between a man, his social environment and codes
Мамина пуговка / Mom’s Button (Россия, Анна Крицкая / Russia, Anna Kritskaya). Анимация / animation. 2021. 06:00.
Mom’s Button
Animation, Russia, 2022
Runtime: 06:00
Age restrictions: 12+
Director: Ana Kritskaya
Writer: Anna Kritskaya
Art director: Anna Kritskaya
Sound/Musiс: Vladimir Pecheritsa
Producer: Valentina Khizhnyakova
For your whole life, you try to run ahead of time, conquer mountains, earn recognition. But if you stumble… All you really want is a voice from your childhood to ask you to go back home.
Встреча / Encounter (Россия, Александра Криволуцкая / Russia, Aleksandra Krivolutskaya). Анимация / animation. 2022. 05:52.
Animation, Russia, 2022
Runtime: 05:52
Age restrictions: 0+
Director: Aleksandra Krivolutskaya
Writer: Aleksandra Krivolutskaya
Art director: Aleksandra Krivolutskaya
Sound/Musiс: Alexey Arkhipovsky
Producer: Nikolai Makovsky
A young girl arrives at the deserted home of her childhood. She is faced with memories where her mother, who is now gone, was always there. It is possible to drive away these memories only up to a certain point.
Белый-белый / A White-White Day (Россия — Канада — Франция, Василий Чирков / Russia — Canada — France, Vasiliy Chirkov). Анимация / animation. 2022. 06:04.
A White-White Day
Animation, Russia, Canada, France, 2022
Runtime: 06:04
Age restrictions: 6+
Director: Vasiliy Chirkov
Writer:Vasiliy Chirkov
Art director: Lilya Niauri
Producer: Boris Mashkovtsev, Tatyana Kashutina, Anastasia Pavlovich
And the house, and the garden, and the old rusty basin, and the wind – everything has its own secret and its own soul. This is how children feel.
Прелюдия и фуга / Prelude and fugue (Беларусь, Игорь Волчек / Belarus, Igor Volchek). Анимация / animation. 2022. 13:00.
Prelude and fugue
Animation, Belarus, 2022
Runtime: 13:00
Age restrictions: 12+
Director: Igor Volchek
Writer: Igor Volchek
Art director: Elena Tumanova
Sound/Musiс: Sergey Chuprov
Producer: Tatiana Golokhova
The film covers the 1950s and 1990s. The author refers to his own childhood memories. On this basis, through the кefraction of real historical events, grows a story reflecting on the generation that lived in the USSR, on the formation of the creative personality.
Снег ид`ёт / Snow is Falling (Россия, Нина Бисярина / Russia, Nina Bisyarina). Анимация / animation. 2022. 02:11.
Snow is Falling
Animation, Russia, 2022
Runtime: 02:11
Age restrictions: 0+
Director: Nina Bisyarina
Writer: Nina Bisyarina
Art director: Nina Bisyarina
Sound/Musiс: Maxim Kalashnik
Producer: Boris Mashkovtsev
A poet living in Russia cannot but write about snow. Director Nina Bisyarina chose the amazing snowy lines of the great Boris Pasternak for her film. Together with the director, let’s rejoice and be surprised at the snowy world, see the metaphors of the poem, embodied on the screen, with new and loving eyes.
Дедушкин словарь / Grandpa’s Dictionary (Россия, Ашот Мефодин / Russia, Ashot Mefodin). Анимадок / Animated documentary. 2021. 03:16.
Grandpa’s Dictionary
Animated documentary, Russia, 2021
Runtime: 03:16
Age restrictions: 16+
Director, artist: Ashot Mefodin
A film about my grandfather Ashot Mikhayelyan. He is an Armenian who came to Russia in his early years and spent all his life there. During that time, he almost forgot the Armenian language, but never learnt Russian well enough. Instead, he created his own language that he used all the time, and our family understood it perfectly.
Мама, обними меня / Mama, Give Me a Hug (Россия, Маша Румянцева / Russia, Masha Rumyantseva). Анимадок / Animated documentary. 2022. 04:24
Mama, Give Me a Hug
Animated documentary, Russia, 2022
Runtime: 04:24
Age restrictions: 0+
Director: Masha Rumyantseva
Writer: Masha Rumyantseva
Art director: Masha Rumyantseva
Sound/Musiс: Alexey Vorobyov
Producer: Rudnik Fest
Short animated sketches about childhood and mother.
february, 2025
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Авторы идеи: Анне-Катрин Топп, Инесса Тропина. © Проект «Вкратце!» | Authors of the idea: Anne-Kathrin Topp, Inessa Tropina. © Vkratze! Project
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